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First Race Cancelled, Kolomý and Valtr A Little Nervous

First Race Cancelled, Kolomý and Valtr A Little Nervous

Heavy rain in Argentina was forecasted and the Czech TATRA BUGGYRA RACING team were aware of that. However, the rainstorm literally flooded the track and the organizers could not but decide first about postponed start and then about complete cancellation of the first regular stage for the reason of extreme weather conditions preventing the rescue helicopters assuring safety of the racing crews from taking off. “Another stage cancelled for the downpour and thick fog for which the helicopters could not take off. It is a great pity but I was already injured in the course of Dakar 2011 and so I know how badly the helicopters are needed for ambulances could not get to us. I am glad that they cancelled the racing today after all, for if they cannot help us if needed it is better and safer like this,“ remembered Martin Kolomý his experience with the rescue corps. 

The only team members happy about the cancelled prologue and first stage of the competition are the mechanics for they have less work to do. The racing specials are like new after two racing days. “I am quite satisfied for Martin keeps his sixth rank. I am only worried about Jarin a little, who cannot improve his rank and get among the first thirty. But let me talk seriously now. We do need the competition to begin after all. For if you know Martin, he is a calm man but he needs to discharge his energy, otherwise he thinks up practical jokes. He needs to put his energy elsewhere,” joked David Vršecký in the evening bivouac at Villa Carlos Paz. 

While the TATRA BUGGYRA RACING team is the youngest Czech participant, Josef Kalina, the navigator of Jarda Valtr already celebrates his twenty fifth year in the famous competition. “I do not remember the very first stage to be cancelled. Prologues yes, they were held in Europe in winter before and so this was quite common but never the first regular stage. Rather than eager we are a little annoyed. We spent the whole year by preparations and now instead of racing we promenade along the motorway and that is absolute boredom for the navigators,” complained the experienced Kalina. 

The weather is not expected to change dramatically in the next days, which bring worries about further progress of the Dakar Rally. The second stage from Villa Carlos Paz to Termas Rio Hondo originally included 510 measured kilometres for automobiles and trucks. But the organizers decided already yesterday about its shortening to 387 kilometres.

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