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In the dark and among straw bales: The Huracans of Mičánek Motorsport powered by Buggyra impressed with an unusual exhibition

The night "duel" between a pair of Lamborghini Huracán Super Trofeo EVOs of the Mičánek Motorsport powered by Buggyra team culminated the exhibition programme of the Supermoto races, which took place over the weekend in Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou.


In the dark and among straw bales: The Huracans of Mičánek Motorsport powered by Buggyra impressed with an unusual exhibition

The traditional event, which combines both the exhibition and racing programme, was for the first time spiced up by a duel between two Lamborghinis piloted by Jiří Mičánek Jr. and Bronislav Formánek, who drives the car in the fastest Lamborghini Super Trofeo brand championship in the world.

"Compared to last year, we took two cars to the track and it was a great idea. We also arranged some overtaking with Bronko, so it was a completely new experience for the spectators," said Jiří Mičánek Jr., manager of the Mičánek Motorsport powered by Buggyra team. 

"For us, it's something special because even if you're doing an exhibition and not giving it 100 percent, the perception of speed on a narrow track between houses is completely different," says Mičánek. And with exaggeration he compares the Hrusovany city track to the old circuits where racing used to be common. "It's a kind of Monaco in Hrusovany. One pays tribute to all those who used to race like this with a minimum of safety features, and still drove at the absolute limit."

For Bronislav Formánek, the Hrusovany exhibition was a "home" event, as he comes from the region. "Normally a few friends come to the races, but for the last two seasons, because of the covid, nobody has come. So I really enjoy the atmosphere when people can come to us, we can show them the cars, let them sit in them and have a normal conversation with the fans," says the pilot of the Mičánek Motorsport powered by Buggyra stable.

One of those who stopped by the depot to see the team was the phenomenal fighter and UFC star Jiří ´Denisa´ Procházka. "He has some racing experience himself, so of course we put him in the lambo and gave him a ride," laughs Jiří Mičánek. 

Night rides were a new feature of the exhibition programme. "It was unbelievable how many people stayed for them. It got us going and I don't think anyone was bored. It was also an interesting experience for Bronia and me. We were riding under normal street lighting, in some places the track was not lit at all," the pilot describes. "This is one of the best prepared races in the Czech Republic. You can see that there is a lot of work, enthusiasm and money behind it. We are happy to be a part of it and we are already thinking about how to take our participation even further next year," concludes Jiří Mičánek. 


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